Saturday, February 27, 2016


Do Paralysis and Birth Defects suggest that Zika is really Classical Swine Fever Flavirus contracted from pigs in the ars of Brazil where both Zika and Classical Swine Fever are occurring?

Classical Swine Fever (CSF) - Hog Cholera (HC)

Classical swine fever (CSF), otherwise known as hog cholera (HC) or just swine fever, is a specific viral disease of pigs. It affects no other species. It is a notifiable disease in most countries of the world. Importance of CSF
CSF is one of the most economically-damaging pandemic viral diseases of pigs in the world. Many governments take it very seriously and adopt strict control policies, which include compulsory vaccination or slaughter and eradication policies.
In a susceptible (unvaccinated) herd almost all the pigs are affected. It causes generalised disease, including fever, malaise, lack of appetite, diarrhoea, paralysis, abortion, mummification and the birth of shaking piglets. Mortality is high.
Fortunately, there is only one serotype of the virus and attenuated vaccines are highly effective. Also, it does not spread on the wind or on insects or birds so standard precautions of farm biosecurity should keep it out. However it persists in uncooked and cured meat and these should not be fed to pigs.

Does the transmission of Classical Swine Fever Flavivirus teach us about the real transmission issues in Brazilian Zika disease?

Classical Swine Fever - APHIS - US Department of Agriculture
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Classical Swine Fever - The Center for Food Security and ...

U.S. details 9 Zika pregnancies: 2 abortions, 2 miscarriages, 1 baby with ‘severe microcephaly’

Memo to Brazilian visitors to this site concerned about Zika

If you're in Brazil, urge you scientists to consider the possibility that Zika is really another flavivirus, Classical Swine Fever virus.

Read this description of Classical Swine Fever Virus (which is infecting pigs in areas of Brazil with the so-called Zika problem)

Molecular Characterization of Classical swine fever virus Involved in the Outbreak in Mizoram

 Does this sound like Zika?

 "Highest mortality in young animals was observed during the outbreaks. Percent mortality in pre-weaned and weaned piglets was 50% while 10% in pigs above 1 year of age. The disease showed a variable course and clinical symptoms. The affected animals exhibited clinical signs of inappetance, high fever and constipation followed by diarrhea and haemorrhagic patches in skin, characteristic signs of classical swine fever. There were rashes in the belly, medial aspects of thigh and on the base of ears. Necrotic lesions developed on skin in later stages. Affected pigs showed staggering gait. Pregnant sows either aborted or delivered stillborn fetuses. Agalactia was most common sequele of farrowed sows. On post-mortem examination, pathological changes recorded were button ulcer, extensive haemorrhage in intestine, mesenteric lymph nodes, pharyngeal lymph node, and in palatine tonsils. Kidneys and urinary bladder showed haemorrhagic spots."